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Class Information for Beginner International Ballroom


Beginner International Standard Dance lessons in Houston If words like “flow”, “move” and “space” make your heart beat faster you are sure to like Ballroom Dancing. What can be better than to glide across the floor in sync with your partner? That is why we believe that anyone who likes Texas should like Ballroom. Because Ballroom means dancing in a big space, as big as Texas. The trick is that in International Standard dance partners remain in close hold throughout the dance. You sure don't want to leave your partner in the middle of Texas! So keep him or her with you all the time. How do you do it? We will teach you. In this dance class you will learn the basic steps of several Standard dances such as Waltz, Foxtrot and Tango. We will also introduce you to the Basic principles of leading and following. And finally, after taking classes you will learn several routines that you can use either for social dancing or even performance or competition!

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